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A Tale of Orange and the Dreaded Music Ticket: The Kindergarten Saga

A Tale of Orange and the Dreaded Music Ticket: The Kindergarten Saga

Well, it happened.

I finally experienced that "Ooofff" moment all parents dread—the one where your child does something completely out of character from the behaviors you thought you had instilled in them.

Yesterday, Paxton came home with the color orange on his behavior chart and something called a Music Ticket. And no, it’s not an invitation to see The Lion King at the high school.

As parents, we’re not only unprepared to become parents, but we’re also never quite ready for someone to challenge whether we’re doing a good job. Especially when it comes to addressing those less-than-stellar behaviors, like “blurting out in class.”

It turns out, Paxton inherited his mom’s innate ability to strike up conversations about anything that fascinates him and makes him wonder “why?” This, unfortunately, led to a Music Ticket informing us that Paxton needs to find his inner quiet chorus—or he might be demoted a grade in music class.

Now, you’re probably wondering why I’m telling you this.

Well, I’m sharing it because, in 2024, so much of life comes with a filter. Just like social media, we often present the best version of ourselves to the world, rather than giving an unfiltered, raw depiction of who we really are—imperfect.

I’m sharing this because, as a mom and a parent just like you, I’m doing my best every day to raise my children to be rad.

But that doesn’t mean there won’t be less-than-rad days.

So, I’m here to remind you that you’re doing a great job, moms and dads.

I’ve got your back, and thank you for having ours here at Little Rad Things.


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