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We understand that accessing any website can be challenging for individuals with certain disabilities, and we acknowledge that each person's needs are unique. What may work well for one person may present difficulties for another. At Little Rad Things, we have made concerted efforts to accommodate as many of our customers and potential customers as reasonably possible, given our size, resources, and understanding of our audience's needs. To support these efforts, we have engaged professionals to assist and advise us in this area. For more general information about website accessibility, please visit or

Accessibility on This Website

Our website includes several features and policies designed to enhance accessibility. Additionally, most browsers provide various aids to assist with website access, which are detailed on websites such as and

If you encounter any difficulties accessing our website, even after utilizing the available accessibility features and third-party tools, we encourage you to contact us for further assistance. Our contact information is provided below.


We are committed to making ongoing improvements to our website to enhance accessibility. However, the effectiveness of these improvements depends on our awareness of specific challenges users may face and the resources available to us. Despite our efforts, there may still be content, features, or processes that can be improved. We welcome your suggestions to help us achieve a more seamless, accessible, and user-friendly experience for all our customers and potential customers.

We Are Here for You

If you are experiencing difficulties with any content on our website due to a disability or require assistance with any part of our site, please contact us. We are here to help.

For assistance related to accessibility issues, you can reach us 24/7 at: 

Please note that this email is dedicated to providing support for accessibility issues and should not be used for sales or product information. For inquiries related to sales, service, product information, accounts, or other business matters, please use the appropriate contact information provided on other pages of our website.

For information on the accessibility features of popular browsers and third-party screen readers, please visit or