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Little Rad Rep Feature: The Ewens

Little Rad Rep Feature: The Ewens - LITTLE RAD THINGS
Whats got you into repping? We’re loving the style of clothing red little things has to offer.

What's your favorite part of being a rep? Showing off all the cool styles on my guys that little rad things have.

What's your favorite outdoor activity to do together as a family? We love riding in the jeep, and feeding local farm animals.

What would you say is your family's go-to dinner? Our go to dinner is definitely tacos and quesadillas. 

Rad Toddler Style - Toddler Onesies - Little Rad Things

What would you like to see your Little Rad Thing be when he/she grows up I'd love to just see my boys do something not only they love but also find fun in so it doesn't have to feel like work. 

What's one way you would like to see your Little Rad Thing leave an impact on the world? I just want my boys to leave a loving, respectful impact in this world. 

Do you do story time, and if so, what book do you guys love the most? Story time can always be different from reading and learning about snakes to sports. Hockey and football are really big right now in our home.

Rad Toddler Style - Toddler Onesies - Little Rad Things

If you could only pick one Little Rad Thing outfit, what would you say is your favorite and why? Our favorite little rad thing piece is our ‘Long Love The Adventure‘ tee, cause it's exactly what my little guys are always on. An adventure.

As a mama and member of the LRT family, how would you define our community and what do you think makes it special? This little rad thing community has been so welcoming and uplifting in so many ways. I love seeing all the moms share their little ones photos and all the new styles they come out with.


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