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Little Rad Things Rep Feature: Paxton

Little Rad Things Rep Feature: Paxton - LITTLE RAD THINGS
What's your favorite part of being a rep? People always say boys are no fun to dress but I just love styling Paxton + seeing his personality in the pics. 
Rad Rep Feature - Little Rad Things - Rad Toddler Boy Clothes
What's your favorite outdoor activity to do together as a family?
Playing chase is probably Paxton’s favorite or any sport with a ball involved. 
What would you say is your family's go-to dinner?
PASTA!!! Any pasta, any sauce! 
What would you like to see your Little Rad Thing be when he grows up? 
Oh man, too soon to tell. I just want him to be happy & enjoy what he does. 
Rad Rep Feature - Little Rad Things
What's one way you would like to see your Little Rad Thing leave an impact on the world?
I would like to see him create a legacy for his own family or an impactful following in whatever field he chooses. 
Do you do story time, and if so, what book do you guys love the most?
Story time every night is a must and USBORNE books are our favorite, especially the Nibbles book monster.
If you could only pick one Little Rad Thing outfit, what would you say is your favorite and why?
Greige Bolt!!! Simple yet stylish. 
Rad Rep Feature - Little Rad Things - Rad Toddler Boy Clothes
As a mama and member of the LRT family, how would you define our community and what do you think makes it special? 
Supportive!!! Could we buy something similar at a big box story? Maybe, but knowing who you’re supporting is so much better!!! I would rather support a friend than an empire. 


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